Real Networks needs to "get real" and play fair
Apple and Real Networks are feuding over control over the iPod/online music downloads. Real released a version of Real(shitty) Player on Windows that allows a person who owns an iPod to use their iPod(s) with the realplayer software. Real also "souped" up their online music store, making it compatible with the iPod, all of this sounds fine and dandy but a few months earlier Real came to Apple for help, denied it and still went ahead to do so even though they were told not to. Real even put up a few petitions and an anti-Apple website protesting that Apple should allow 3rd party companies to access the iPod. I have an iPod myself and LOVE IT, it's more than I ever expected in an "mp3 player", it plays my songs flawlessly (just about), has long battery life, and has a snazzy look to it, and iTunes is the best music "jukebox" I've ever used. I've used Winamp, Windows Media Player (6-10), Real Player, Musicmatch and I cant even think of the rest.. iTunes is PERFECT, it does what I want, it works flawlessly on both my 800Mhz iBook and my 1.8Ghz PC, heck my PC rips faster than my Mac. What's the need for a 3rd party app to use an iPod on, lets see... Real Player was decent... back when it was the ONLY media player out there (either than old quicktime and windows media player), and that was years ago, but with each new version, more bulk, larger download, uses more CPU. Yet Real wants Apple to have freedom on music (for other companies to access it), YET their music store is NOT compatible with Mac, heck the only music store that actually works okay on Mac is the iTunes Music Store... which I can't wait until it comes to the Great White North since there's so many awesome tunes I want. Real needs to just shut their mouth already since they dont even support Mac for their music store. Well I say try out iTunes since you will probably be satisfied!
I'm actually thinking of getting a Mac laptop this winter, doubting it right now since I've been hearing it isn't too compatible with certain softwares. How is it?
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